Grants, Awards, & Training
Grants & Awards
2024: Submitted: Al Qasimi Foundation Seed Grant (Project Title: UAE Student Support and National Outcomes through Study in the United States)
2023: Awarded: $500 SAIS SIG Research Grant: CIES Study Abroad and International Students SIG (Project Title: Support and Report: The Advising and Compliance Roles of Designated School Officials)
2021: Marjorie Peace Lenn International Student Mobility Research Award: American International Recruitment Council
2020: Service Leadership Award: School of Education, Loyola University Chicago
2010: Fulbright Grant: Berufliche Schulen Groß-Gerau, Groß-Gerau, Germany
2023: Trauma-Informed Approaches Workshop; Emerson College, the Social Justice Collaborative
2022: International Education Project Management; Inclusive Education SIG Webinar, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
2021: New Scholars Dissertation Mentoring Workshop; Annual Conference, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
2020: Anti-Racist Pedagogy and Practice Workshop; Loyola University Chicago, Office of the Provost
2019: Online Teaching Course Certification; Loyola University Chicago, Office of Online Learning